Kamis, 14 Maret 2019

Fundamentals of Stream Processing Application Design Systems and Analytics eBook Henrique C M Andrade Buğra Gedik Deepak S Turaga Kostenlose Bücher DPJ

Fundamentals of Stream Processing Application Design Systems and Analytics eBook Henrique C M Andrade Buğra Gedik Deepak S Turaga lesen PSU

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  • Stream processing is a novel distributed computing paradigm that supports the gathering, processing and analysis of high-volume, heterogeneous, continuous data streams, to extract insights and actionable results in real time. This comprehensive, hands-on guide combining the fundamental building blocks and emerging research in stream processing is ideal for application designers, system builders, analytic developers, as well as students and researchers in the field. This book introduces the key components of the stream computing paradigm, including the distributed system infrastructure, the programming model, design patterns and streaming analytics. The explanation of the underlying theoretical principles, illustrative examples and implementations using the IBM InfoSphere Streams SPL language and real-world case studies provide students and practitioners with a comprehensive understanding of such applications and the middleware that supports them.
    ebook,Henrique C. M. Andrade, Buğra Gedik, Deepak S. Turaga,Fundamentals of Stream Processing Application Design, Systems, and Analytics,Cambridge University Press,Algorithms data structures,Computer Applications,Computers/System Administration - Storage Retrieval,Computers/Systems Architecture - General,Data flow computing,Data flow computing.,Data mining,Great Britain/British Isles,Non-Fiction,SIMD (Computer architecture),Scholarly/Graduate,Science/Math,Science/Mathematics,Signals Signal Processing,Systems Architecture - General,TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING / Signals Signal Processing,Technology Engineering,Technology Engineering/Pest Control,Technology Industrial Arts,Textbooks (Various Levels),UNIVERSITY PRESS,Computers/System Administration - Storage Retrieval,Computers/Systems Architecture - General,Signals Signal Processing,Systems Architecture - General,TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING / Signals Signal Processing,Technology Engineering/Pest Control,Technology Industrial Arts,Technology Engineering,Science/Mathematics,Algorithms data structures,Data mining

    Fundamentals of Stream Processing Application Design Systems and Analytics eBook Henrique C M Andrade Buğra Gedik Deepak S Turaga Reviews :

    Stream processing is a novel distributed computing paradigm that supports the gathering, processing and analysis of high-volume, heterogeneous, continuous data streams, to extract insights and actionable results in real time. This comprehensive, hands-on guide combining the fundamental building blocks and emerging research in stream processing is ideal for application designers, system builders, analytic developers, as well as students and researchers in the field. This book introduces the key components of the stream computing paradigm, including the distributed system infrastructure, the programming model, design patterns and streaming analytics. The explanation of the underlying theoretical principles, illustrative examples and implementations using the IBM InfoSphere Streams SPL language and real-world case studies provide students and practitioners with a comprehensive understanding of such applications and the middleware that supports them.

    ebook,Henrique C. M. Andrade, Buğra Gedik, Deepak S. Turaga,Fundamentals of Stream Processing Application Design, Systems, and Analytics,Cambridge University Press,Algorithms data structures,Computer Applications,Computers/System Administration - Storage Retrieval,Computers/Systems Architecture - General,Data flow computing,Data flow computing.,Data mining,Great Britain/British Isles,Non-Fiction,SIMD (Computer architecture),Scholarly/Graduate,Science/Math,Science/Mathematics,Signals Signal Processing,Systems Architecture - General,TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING / Signals Signal Processing,Technology Engineering,Technology Engineering/Pest Control,Technology Industrial Arts,Textbooks (Various Levels),UNIVERSITY PRESS,Computers/System Administration - Storage Retrieval,Computers/Systems Architecture - General,Signals Signal Processing,Systems Architecture - General,TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING / Signals Signal Processing,Technology Engineering/Pest Control,Technology Industrial Arts,Technology Engineering,Science/Mathematics,Algorithms data structures,Data mining

    Fundamentals of Stream Processing Application Design, Systems, and Analytics eBook Henrique C. M. Andrade, Buğra Gedik, Deepak S. Turaga


    Product details

    • File Size 22472 KB
    • Print Length 558 pages
    • Simultaneous Device Usage Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
    • Publisher Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (February 13, 2014)
    • Publication Date February 13, 2014
    • Sold by  Services LLC
    • Language English
    • ASIN B00E99YIDI
    "" [Review ]

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